Renumbering and Deleting Document Numbers

Caution #

The changes as described in this document cannot be undone!
Please proceed with care.

Activate setting #

Path: WooCommerce > PDF Invoices > Advanced > Settings, then scroll down to Enable danger zone tools.

An image of the number tools tab
An image of the danger zone tools

Next, head to: WooCommerce > PDF Invoices > Advanced > Tools, then scroll down to find the following new options revealed:

  • Renumber existing documents
An image of the document renumber option
  • Delete existing documents
An image of the document deletion option

Both of these options allow for selecting:

  • Document type (Invoice, Receipt, all, etc)
  • Date type:
    • order created date
    • order modified date
    • order completed date
    • order paid date
  • Date range (to and from)

The ‘Renumber existing documents‘ settings also allow for selecting ‘document date‘ as a date type.

Reset number sequence #

After deleting existing document numbers, it is important to select where the document number sequence should restart.

  • Path: WooCommerce > PDF Invoices > Document, select the document type, then scroll down to Next {document} number (without prefix/suffix etc.).
    NOTE: {document} = any document type (Invoice, Receipt, etc).

Click on the pencil icon on the right side of the textbox, to edit the number.

An image of the next-invoice-number setting

Modify per order #

This can be done at the WooCommerce order details screen, at WooCommerce > Orders, then selecting an order.
Once in this screen, find the ‘PDF document data‘ block and this should contain PDF document data, along with pencil and trash icons. These correspond to modifying or deleting the document number.

An image showing how to modify pdf number data
An image showing pdf document data being modified

If you are unable to find this ‘PDF document data‘ section/block, please scroll all the way up to the top-right of the page and click the ‘Screen Options‘ button.

Am image showing the screen-options button

Once the options are revealed, make sure that ‘PDF document data‘ is selected.

An image showing screen options