CSV Exports

Path: Products > Batch Numbers > Export.

For Imports instead, please take a look at our WPAI addon (documentation here). By installing this WPAI addon, it is then possible to export a dedicated file for use with WP All Import.

Our plugin allows for 4 export options.

1. Export Batch Customers #

Export all your customers that purchased a specific batch number.

An image of an export option

Example output:

An image of a CSV output

2. Export Orders Items with Batches #

Export orders items with batches data from a determined date range.

An image of an export option

Example output:

An image of a CSV output

3. Export batches #

Export saved batches data from a determined date range.

An image of an export option

And if you have our WPAI addon installed, this export section will appear as below instead, with a newly visible ‘WP All Import’ checkbox:

An image of our WPAI addon checkbox

Example output:

An image of a CSV output

4. Export Order Batches #

Export batch numbers of a specific order number.

An image of an export option

Example output:

An image of a CSV output

Finally, it is also possible to modify the CSV exports, such that only certain columns are included. These require code snippets to handle each particular case. Send us an email at support@wpovernight.com to let us know about your particular case and we will do our best to adapt our code snippets for the exports.