- Enable
- Choose your API source
- API Token
- Test connection
- Error message display
- Layout for postcode & number fields
- Show separate street & number fields for:
- Street & city fields (NL)
- Full field names
- Show spinner
- Enable on My Account
- Checkout Block Compatibility
- Postcode.eu API specific settings
- Autocomplete language
Path: WooCommerce > Settings > Postcode Checker.
Enable #
This activates or deactivates the Postcode Checker. You may want to temporarily disable the plugin for testing purposes, for example.

Choose your API source #
The plugin cannot begin to function without an API source. We are looking to add more to this list. These are the sources we currently support:
- Postcode.tech (free)
- Het Kadaster / BAG (free)
- Postcodeapi.nu
- PostNL Adrescheck Nederland
- Postcode.eu

Het Kadaster/BAG #
Link: https://www.kadaster.nl/zakelijk/producten/adressen-en-gebouwen/bag-api-individuele-bevragingen
FREE for up to 50.000 calls per day.
Make sure you are using the production API key, not the test API key.
Postcode.tech #
Link: https://www.postcode.tech/
FREE for up to 10.000 calls per day.
PostNL Adrescheck Nationaal #
Link: https://developer.postnl.nl/request-api-key/
Free for PostNL customers.
Postcodeapi.nu #
Link: https://www.postcodeapi.nu/prijzen
Various yearly and monthly tiers are offered. The lowest yearly tier costs €57,00/year up to 1.000 calls per month and the call speed is limited to 1 call every 5 seconds.
Make sure you upgrade to their paid version first. The API key they provide when you sign up is just for testing and will work only in a sandbox environment.
Postcode.eu #
Link: https://www.postcode.eu/
€50/year for up to 12.500 calls, including support for multiple countries:
- Austria
- Belgium
- Denmark
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Luxembourg
- Norway
- Spain
- Switzerland
- The Netherlands
- United Kingdom
API Token #
This is the code you obtained from the selected API source. This must be entered in order for the plugin to function.
Test connection #
This allows you to quickly test your API connection with a click of a button, after having entered your API token. A notice will appear to give your tests result, just below our ‘Test connection’ button.

Error message display #
Choose who should see error messages at the top of the checkout form when postcode validation fails.
The available options are:
- Do not display
- Admins only
- Everyone
Layout for postcode & number fields #
The available options are:
- All on one line
- Postcode separate
- Each field on a new line
Show separate street & number fields for: #
The available options are:
- Only the Netherlands
- All countries
- The Netherlands plus these additional countries.
Street & city fields (NL) #
The available options are:
- Show (default: always editable)
- Read only (editable when postcode not found)
- Hidden (editable when postcode not found)
Full field names #
Decide whether or not to show the full names of the House Number & Suffix fields in the checkout. These are normally abbreviated to save space.
- The abbreviated fields display:
- Nr.
- Suffix (optional)

- The full fields display:
- House number
- House number suffix (optional)

Show spinner #
Choose whether or not you would like a spinner to appear while the address is being validated.
Note: This is only for the options “Show” and “Read only” in the Street & city fields (NL) setting.
The gif image below shows the spinner in action.

Enable on My Account #
Allow the Postcode Checker to function on the WooCommerce ‘My Account’ page.
Checkout Block Compatibility #
This allows for compatibility with the Woo Checkout Blocks. Please see our separate article for more information on this.
See: Classic Checkout vs Woo Checkout Blocks

Postcode.eu API specific settings #
Upon choosing this API source, a ‘key‘ and ‘secret‘ will need to be provided, instead of just 1 API token.

The postcode.eu API then adds 2 additional settings:
- Enable international auto-complete
- Show postcode.eu logo.

Show Postcode.eu Logo #
This below is how the logo appears in the auto-complete search:

Enable international auto-complete #
An autocomplete field will be added to your checkout, as shown in the image below:

Customers can start typing their address in here and will be given suggestions based on their input:

The options will narrow down as more of the address is being typed in the autocomplete field. After selecting one of the available options, the address details are automatically filled in the correct fields, as the address match is found:

Autocomplete language #
The language to use for the presentation of search results.
Available options:
- English
- German
- Dutch