Swap positions of Billing address, Shipping address and Order data

Default view #

The default view of the address fields and order data on the Simple or Simple-Premium template is as shown in the screenshot below.
From left to right, the default order of appearance is:

  • Billing address (in red),
  • Shipping address (in green),
  • Order data (in blue).
An image of the addresses and order data

Option 1: Flip the billing and shipping addresses #

Reading the results from left to right:

  • Shipping address,
  • Billing address,
  • Order data.
An image of flipped addresses

Code snippet:

 * Swap billing address for shipping address (and vice versa)
add_action( 'wpo_wcpdf_before_html', 'wpo_wcpdf_swap_billing_shipping', 10, 2 );
function wpo_wcpdf_swap_billing_shipping( $document_type, $document ) {
    if ($document_type == 'invoice') {
        add_filter( 'wpo_wcpdf_shipping_address', function( $shipping_address, $invoice ) {
            return $invoice->order->get_formatted_billing_address();
        }, 10, 2 );
        add_filter( 'wpo_wcpdf_billing_address', function( $billing_address, $invoice ) {
            return $invoice->order->get_formatted_shipping_address();
        }, 10, 2 );
        add_filter( 'gettext', function( $translation, $text, $domain ) {
            if ( $text == 'Ship To:' && $domain == 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ) {
                $translation = __( 'Billing Address:', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' );
            return $translation;
        }, 10, 3 );

If you have not used code snippets before, read this article.

Option 2: Flip the order of the addresses and order data #

This method flip the whole row; resulting in a visual flip of the positions of the billing address and the order data. The shipping address will still appear in the middle.

Reading the results from left to right:

  • Order data,
  • Shipping address,
  • Billing address.
An image of flipped order data and address positions

The CSS styling code:

.order-data-addresses > tr,
.order-data-addresses > tr > td,
.order-data-addresses > tbody,
.order-data-addresses > tbody > tr,
.order-data-addresses > tbody > tr > td {
    display: block;

.order-data-addresses {
    padding-bottom: 8mm;

.order-data-addresses td.order-data {
    width: 40%;
.order-data-addresses td.shipping-address {
    float: right;
    width: 30%;
.order-data-addresses td.billing-address {
    float: right;
    width: 30%;
  • If you have access to the PDF Customizer, paste this code at WooCommerce > PDF Invoices > Customizer > Custom Styles.
An image of a textbox
  • If you do not own the PDF Customizer, paste the code at Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS.
  • Some themes provide a specific way to add custom CSS to your site.

Option 3: Combine options 1 and 2 #

This simply requires following the instructions from options 1 and 2 above and will produce its own result.

Reading the results from left to right:

  • Order data,
  • Billing address,
  • Shipping address.
An image of the invoice