More Document Types

1. Professional extension #

Our PDF Invoices for WooCommerce – Professional extension offers access to the following new document types:

  • Proforma Invoice
  • Receipt
  • Credit Note
An image showing additional document types

Note: Remember that all document types can be renamed via the plugin settings, thanks to this extension
Path: WooCommerce > PDF Invoices > Documents > Document title.

An image of the document title setting

Proforma Invoice #

This could be used as a secondary or alternate Invoice.

Receipt #

Some places require to deliver separate Invoice and Receipt documents. Our plugin is therefore suitable for those cases, as well.

Credit Note #

This serves as the Refund document. This could be thought of as an Invoice for refunds, or a Credit Invoice. The reason for the existence of this document, is because we follow GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) – which states that:

Administrative changes should be documented separately. This means that an original invoice should never be modified by a refund. In most countries (at least in the EU) this is even considered fraudulent (and illegal).

2. Order Proposal plugin #

Our WooCommerce Order Proposal plugin is a standalone plugin of its own. In combination with PDF Invoices for WooCommerce – Professional, it offers access to the following additional document types:

  • Proposal
  • Order Confirmation
An image showing the document types

Proposal #

The document created when an order proposal/quote has been created by either the customer or the site admin.

Order Confirmation #

This document could optionally be used to confirm a proposal, as its name indicates.