How to create product barcodes?

WooCommerce Ultimate Barcodes provides a seamless solution to create barcodes for WooCommerce products. This will be attached to your product’s metadata and could be displayed in multiple places. It’s also very flexible in terms of which data should be used to generate the barcode, you will be amazed.

How to setup the product barcodes? #

It’s very simple, you just need to go to your plugin settings under the WooCommerce menu “Barcodes“, and click the “Products” menu tab. Here you have many options to set, but essentially you just need to enable this barcodes and select another few options to start generating product barcodes. We will drive you through all the important settings below.

General settings: #

  • Enable: required to enable the product barcodes creation.
  • Generate: manually or on publishing a product.
  • Product types: required to create barcodes for specific product types. At least one must be chosen or you will not be able to create barcodes for products.
  • Variable products: if you selected “Variable product” in the option above, you could also select here if you would like to create barcodes for the main product only, for variations only or for both.
  • Barcode type: select the type of barcode you would like to use.
  • Generate from: select from which data you would like to create the barcode. For products you could use: Product ID, Product SKU, Custom field, and a Random generated key.
  • Barcode output: by default is set to PNG, which is recommended, but you could also use SVG.
  • Display code under barcode: decide if you want to display the used code underneath the barcode.

As you can see we provide plenty of options and flexibility to create product barcodes, but if you have a special requirement we could also have a custom solution for you, just let us know.